These doctrinal statements are lengthy and are so for reason and purpose. In these last days , there seems to be an epidemic movement calling for the compromising of the Word of God within the Body of Christ. First Baptist Church Apalachicola believes that an individual, a Church, and a Ministry needs to be perfectly clear without any room for misunderstanding concerning doctrine which is embraced and taught. This is not a complete listing of the doctrinal statements of FBC Apalachicola and will be modified accordingly.
We at FBC Apalachicola attempt to build doctrine word by word, verse by verse, precept upon precept, Book by Book. We are always seeking God for more clarity, understanding, illumination, and revelation.
The word DOCTRINE is a belief or a body of teachings or instructions, or taught principles or positions.
In short, it is our belief system. Often doctrine specifically deals with a religious dogma as it is promoted by a particular church or denomination. Doctrine can be both positive and negative. It is positive if taken from the Word of God for the purpose of building up and correcting the Church. It is negative if doctrine is taken from the traditions of man and taught in a self-righteous manner, or is a doctrine of demons for the purpose of deceiving believers. We at First Baptist Church Apalachicola believe that we need to learn, embrace, and practice the doctrines from God as written in the Scriptures. Doctrine is also used to refer to a principle of law or traditions established through a history of past decisions. In some organizations, doctrine is simply defined as "that which is taught". In other words their doctrine is their foundational teaching of its internal ways of doing business. Like all churches, we at FBC have doctrinal beliefs whereby we operate. Biblical Doctrine is that which we believe to be true and is the foundational teachings that identify us as First Baptist Church Apalachicola. Some believers are not grounded in Biblical Doctrine...they only have opinions about someone else’s doctrine. In other words they have not looked at the Greek words or the Hebrew words or studied the Bible for themselves. They believe what they believe because that was their first teaching as a Christian which came from their first church. This means they are an echo of someone else's truth instead of a voice of God from the truth within Scriptures. It is easy for these people to say, “I disagree with such and such doctrine”. This sounds so spiritual yet most can’t sit down and prove with the Word of God what they believe. At FBC we try not to use the phrase “I disagree with you.” We like to use the phrase “I don’t understand, teach me.” This is saying that one of us or both of us might be wrong but let’s sit down together and see what the Word says. |