What We Believe Concerning The Person Of The Holy Spirit:

1. The Person of the Holy Spirit is present in every Christian.
2. The Person of the Holy Spirit is present in the world to bear witness of Jesus Christ.
3. The Person of the Holy Spirit empowers the believer to live an abundant life and gifts every believer for ministry.
4. Daily dependence on the Holy Spirit gives every Christian victory over sin in his life.
5. The Holy Spirit sanctifies: Sets us apart to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.
6. The Holy Spirit preserves: If we remain “in the faith” He keeps us until the day that Christ returns.
7. The Scriptures identify Him as “the one called alongside” to help provide comfort, illumination, and revelation regarding the daily will of God and teaching.
2. The Person of the Holy Spirit is present in the world to bear witness of Jesus Christ.
3. The Person of the Holy Spirit empowers the believer to live an abundant life and gifts every believer for ministry.
4. Daily dependence on the Holy Spirit gives every Christian victory over sin in his life.
5. The Holy Spirit sanctifies: Sets us apart to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.
6. The Holy Spirit preserves: If we remain “in the faith” He keeps us until the day that Christ returns.
7. The Scriptures identify Him as “the one called alongside” to help provide comfort, illumination, and revelation regarding the daily will of God and teaching.
Confirming Scriptures: Genesis 1:2; Judges 14:6; Job 26:13; Psalms 51:11; 139:7; Isaiah 61:1-3; Joel 2:28-32; Matthew 1:18; 3:16; 4:1; 12:28-32; 28:19; Mark 1:10,12; Luke 1:35; 4:1; 4:18-19; 11:13; 12:12; 24:49; John 4:24; 14:16-17; 14:26; 15:26; 16:7-14; Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-4; 2:38; 4:31; 5:3; 6:3; 7:55; 8:17; 8:39; 10:44; 13:2; 15:28; 16:6; 19:1-6; Romans 8:9-11; 8:14-17; 8:26-27; 1 Corinthians 2:10-14; 3:16; 12:3-13; Galatians 4:6; 5:22-23; Ephesians 1:13-14; 4:30; 5:18-21; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 Timothy 3:16; 4:1; 2 Timothy 1:14; 3:16; Hebrews 9:8; 9:14; 2 Peter 1:21; 1 John 4:13; 5:6-7; Revelation 1:10; 22:17.